A Dirty Machine Cannot Get Your Clothes Clean

November 20, 2009

Most people never think of their washing machine as getting dirty. It gets filled with clean, soapy water on a regular basis, so how could it possibly be getting dirty? The problem lies in the fact that your washer is never completely dry or clean after the first time you use it. Water and moisture are present along with other residues that provide the perfect breeding and feeding grounds for mold and mildew.

If you have a stinky washing machine, you have mold. The mold and mildew that thrives inside stinky washers can cause respiratory problems in even healthy individuals. The mold spores are carried on the clothing you wear and the bed linens you sleep on, which means you are inhaling mold spores most of the time if you have a stinky washing machine. Luckily, there are several things you can do to eliminate and prevent mold and mildew infestations in your washer.

Hotter Water Is Better

The energy crisis may have taught us to use cold water in our laundry, but your good health and the fresh scent of your clothing often requires warm or even hot water. Consistently using cold water to wash your laundry makes it easier for mold and mildew to develop. Cold and warm water leave behind a residue of detergent and other laundry additives, as well as grease from your clothing, that provides food for mold. Unfortunately, mold is too tough to be completely killed off by hot water alone. Even running hot water with bleach will not eliminate a mold colony in your stinky washer.

Too Much Of A Good Thing Is Bad

Laundry detergent is a great invention. It breaks down the oils and dirt that collect in our clothing. Unfortunately, too much detergent causes just the opposite effect. Your clothing and your washing machine will develop a detergent residue that feeds mold and irritates your skin and respiratory tract. Today’s high efficiency washing machines, especially front loaders, require no more than a tablespoon of detergent except in the most extreme cases. Using too much detergent can also interfere with the proper operation of your washing machine.

Fabric Softener Is Food For Fungi

Mold and mildew simply love liquid fabric softener. Liquid fabric softener residue collects on every interior surface of your smelly washing machine, feeding mold and mildew. If you simply must use fabric softener, opt for dryer sheets and use them only occasionally. Most dryer sheets are just as effective if you tear them in half. Excessive use of dryer sheets can result in “grease” spots on your clean laundry.

Keeping Your Washer Cleaner

The only way to eliminate and prevent mold from growing inside your washer is to use washer cleaners, such as Smelly Washer, which has been proven to eliminate mold when used correctly and regularly.

Damp, Dank And Dangerous!

November 3, 2009

Most people consider mold to be a bathroom and basement problem. There is one other mold culprit that many fail to recognize: the stinky washing machine. The mold that grows in smelly washing machines can cause serious health risks. This is especially true for people with asthma and chronic sinus problems.

Once mold begins to grow inside a washing machine, spores are released into the air and absorbed by the very clothing, towels and linens being washed. These spores are then inhaled around the clock, irritating the eyes, lungs, throat, nose and sinuses. These conditions put a strain on the immune system, increasing the likelihood of catching whatever flu or cold viruses that may be in the area. It can also contribute to chronic sinus infections or even trigger an asthma attack. Asthma attacks send nearly two million people to the emergency room each year with life threatening conditions. Doing the laundry should not be dangerous to your health, but it can be if you are using a stinky washer.

The first sign of mold in your washer is a smelly washing machine. Many people ignore this health risk or just use extra detergent, which actually contributes to the problem. Liquid fabric softeners and using too much detergent leaves a residue behind that mold thrives upon. The water that is left behind in a washing machine after the cycle is completed is another component to a stinky washing machine. Leaving the washer door open between loads and switching to dryer sheets can help, but these practices will not eliminate mold once it is established in your stinky washing machine.

Your stinky washer can do far more damage to your health than a moldy shower or bathtub. Mold spores in your clothing spread throughout your home, into the wallpaper, carpet and upholstery. Reducing moisture in the home will help, but the mold source must be dealt with directly to eliminate this health risk. Rather than ignore the problem until professional help is required, regular maintenance of your washing machine using a washer cleaner, such as Smelly Washer, can safely and effectively remove the fungus and mold growing in your washing machine. You can also use Smelly Washer washer cleaner throughout the home to eliminate mold in the tub and shower areas, basements, under cabinets and any other location that provides the conditions necessary for mold to grow.

By the time you can smell the mold in your washing machine, the problem already exists. Using a washer cleaner once or twice a month will help your laundry smell better and keep your body healthier.

Why Your Washing Machine May Be The Cause Of Your Asthma

October 19, 2009

Asthma is a chronic disease that makes breathing troublesome for more 20 million Americans. For most people, asthma is just an unfortunate part of their normal lives; they take medicines and use fast-acting inhalers to alleviate their symptoms. But for many people, an asthma attack is triggered by some sort of allergen. By simply removing or avoiding the allergen, the asthma symptoms may improve. One of the biggest triggers? Mold.


Mold is a fungus that thrives in damp conditions. It can grow anywhere in your home: in the shower, under wall paper and carpeting, in the basement, and even in unassuming places like your washing machine.

Mold can enter the body through various ways; the easiest being through inhalation. Mold produces spores that become airborne which can be easily inhaled, where they then launch an assault your respiratory system. Mold can also be ingested; this may occur if you eat a piece of moldy bread, or if a child chews on a piece of clothing that carries mold. This may trigger more internal symptoms such as nausea. Finally, mold can enter the body through skin contact. This may cause itching, swelling and infections in open wounds.

Asthma Trigger

Mold can cause problems for anyone; from coughing, sneezing and itchy, watery eyes, to more severe symptoms like fatigue, nausea, and fever and in some cases even death from serious allergic reactions.

For people who have higher sensitivities or known allergies to mold, inhaling mold can trigger an asthma attack. Asthma is an inflammation and swelling of the airways that causes them to constrict, making breathing very difficult.

Asthma attacks are the cause of more than 2 million emergency room visits every year. What some people might not realize is that they may have a mold problem right under their nose that’s to blame for their asthma.

Washing Machine Mold And Clothing Mildew

A washing machine is a standard household piece of equipment that we use every day. It “cleans” our clothes, so to think that it may be harboring mold that’s making us sick is unthinkable. But very possible.

Washing machine mold can be caused by a number of things: residual water; misuse of detergent and fabric softener; a dirty drain pump filter; lint, hair and dirt build-up under the agitator; and poor laundry habits like leaving wet clothes in the washer.

Washing machine mold can cause clothing mildew. Clothing mildew lives on your clothes and can be stinky and also quite harmful to your health. As you walk around all day, the mold spores are released from your clothes; making inhaling them impossible and ultimately triggering an asthma attack.

To eliminate and prevent washing machine mold and clothing mildew, use a washing machine cleaner like Smelly Washer. Smelly Washer uses all-natural ingredients to safely and effectively remove mold, fungus and odor from your washing machine and clothes.

Ever Wish There Was A “Magic Pill” For Your Stinky Washing Machine?

September 25, 2009

Well, wish no more! It may not be a “pill,” but for someone who has been plagued by a stinky washing machine, it certainly may seem like “magic.” Smelly Washer washing machine cleaner is a remarkable product that uses all-natural ingredients to safely and effectively remove mold, fungus and odor from your washer and clothes.

Smelly Washer removes harmful allergens and dangerous molds that breed in your washing machine. These molds can cause health problems, or at the very least be the source of a seriously stinky washing machine.

If you have been battling a stinky washing machine, mildewed clothes, or mold-related health problems due to washer mildew, read on to find out how Smelly Washer washing machine cleaner may be the “magic pill” you’ve been wishing for.

The Problem: Washer Mildew

There’s just one word for it: ick. Washer mildew can be the source of embarrassing odors that linger in your laundry room and on your clean clothes. But stinky towels may not be the worst of your worries if you have a serious mold problem in your washing machine. Mold can also cause health problems such as asthma, sinus and respiratory infections, a weakened immune system, and a whole host of other issues.

Regardless of your reason for wanting to eliminate mildew in your washing machine, it’s important to understand why it’s there in the first place. Mildew thrives in damp conditions and needs something to feed off: soap suds, hair, lint and dirt all fit the bill. Sound familiar? Your washing machine is the perfect breeding ground.

The Solution: Smelly Washer

If you have a stinky washing machine, hope is not lost. Formerly Purewasher, Smelly Washer washing machine cleaner has had all dyes and perfumes removed to conform to natural “green” standards. It uses all-natural citrus-based ingredients to effectively eliminate mildew and odors.

Smelly Washer is guaranteed to remove odors from your washing machine, regardless of whether it is a top or front loader. One capful (1 tablespoon) can either be added directly into the tub or through your detergent dispenser. It should be used on the hottest or preset “clean” cycle of your machine. For more stubborn mildew or odors, allow the solution to soak several hours or even overnight. If you have many “layers” of mildew, it may take several soakings to completely eliminate the mold and odor.

Other Uses

Because Smelly Washer washing machine cleaner is formulated to target mold and mildew, it can be used in other ways around the house. Your next priority after eliminating washer mildew is to tackle clothing mildew by adding 1 tablespoon of Smelly Washer to your load of stinky clothes.

To clean mold from other hard and soft surfaces in your home such as the tub and shower, and canvas boat and grill covers, mix 1 tablespoon Smelly Washer in a spray bottle with hot water.